
Maya Lena Flamm is a personal advisor, teacher, and writer in matters of spirit and health. She has been a practitioner and devoted student of interrelated fields of holistic health and spirituality for more than 30 years. She taught yoga and meditation, with a focus on therapeutics, enabling the structure to better embody the spirit. Drawing on both Western and Eastern mystical traditions, Maya now offers transformation work to her clients, allowing them to experience real change and a deeper connection to Divinity. The integration of her experience in shamanic work, other consciousness expanding technologies, energy engagements, and intensive spiritual inquiry, offer profound opportunities for growth and enhancement of all aspects of being. With a strong mind-body emphasis utilizing many different energetic tools, the work is multi-disciplinary and multi-leveled.

Integrating the dark and the light

Help with understanding and releasing

old patterns and traumas

Practical tools to support the whole system

Physical, emotional, spiritual nutrition

Deepening emotional expression

Assistance delving into reality:  Who am I?  What is this place?

Real experiential learning, real change


MEDICINE: All that brings you into greater alignment and harmony with the truth of your being. All that serves as a catalyst for growth, expansion, learning and transformation.