Maya Lena Medicine

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It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine!

Ok, that is not exactly accurate. Yes, it is the end of the world as we know it (thank God!) but I don’t exactly feel fine right now. Last week I was flying, this week not so much, but I still feel hopeful about the real changes that are going down on a world scale. For the first time ever, I would say literally for the first time in human history, real total change is happening. Real evil and real darkness are being revealed, really sick structures are being dismantled. Are there people suffering with these changes? Yes. Were masses of people, the most dispossessed, suffering extraordinarily before this? Yes! Will it be better when the worst of it wanes? No question in my mind.

First of all, masses of people are definitely NOT dying of this so-called c-virus, nor are they going to. Look at the numbers, even those highly suspect unproven numbers are low compared to the flu. Then look at the response to said numbers. They are unrelated, the virus is an excuse being used by both sides, good and evil, to wage this very real war and I feel quite certain that good will triumph. I am not going to write an article going into the details of this war right now, as there are so many chess pieces in play and I am not the best person for that. I do my own research and turn to trusted independent researchers for reliable information. If you’d like a pointer to some of those places, contact me.

What I am going to write about is what I have dedicated my life to: seeking truth-- discovering it, knowing it, embodying it. This is why I have felt a pure excitement at times at what is happening in the world. I have never seen, as there never has been, so much truth available everywhere for anyone to see. So much darkness has been hidden and now it takes very little digging for the whole kit and caboodle to be pulled up by its roots for dissemination. How then can so many still run from it and cling to such obvious and egregious falsehoods? Like vampires who shrink from the sun, so many seem to be pulling further into programming rather than facing the truths that are looming larger and larger in the sky. Which is one reason that my mood of flying last week has very solidly crashed down into the continuing willful ignorance of so many. It makes me crazy.

People keep looking to their old false gods and reliable sources of dis-information to tell them what’s happening, even when that news is in stark contrast to the reality right in front of them. The mental/emotional shut-down is so strong that no reality penetrates. Most have stopped using their powers of discernment for so long they have completely atrophied. And of course to start to question the veracity of their established sources of information will unleash a cascade of questions that people are afraid to ask, to know the answers to. As a result, if someone tells them to be afraid, that lions are suddenly roaming the streets of all major cities, they believe it, even if they have never seen a lion, nor has anyone they personally know.

I have been saying to friends and people I work with for years that we are literally in the middle of a world war, one of biblical proportions. It’s simply one that is mostly taking place outside of public view. It is truly good vs. evil and the stakes are everything. Freedom. Goodness. Sanity. Truth. Health. Love. What’s happening now is nothing short of miraculous. For me, hearing the truth spoken out loud, even when it’s the most gruesome truth there is, (is anything worse than child sacrifice? ritual child abuse?) I always feel relief and hope that a dangerous hidden evil is exposed. To hear a powerful truth spoken out loud, acknowledged for what it is, faced in the open, allows me to breathe more deeply. Those falsehoods and lies feel like a lead suit, a straight-jacket. What continues to be so painful now, surrounded as I am by the deeply programmed and traumatized, is that if I don’t go along with their narrative they cannot tolerate it, actually can’t hear it at all. Those so addicted to being plugged into the mind-numbing matrix do not tolerate dissent.

I’ve spoken to people I haven’t spoken to in years recently since normies feel this pandemic is the end of the world so best to reach out. I welcome reaching out and truly love those I’ve known long but not at the cost of truth. When I’ve said that I was feeling hopeful and optimistic about what is happening in the world, I’ve been told not to say one thing about why I feel that way. Not one thing. Me suggesting there was a different narrative than the one involving total panic and mass death was so threatening I was not allowed to speak of it. Basically, people are too afraid to hear something that would actually make them feel less afraid! If your beliefs cannot tolerate dissent, how sturdy can those beliefs be? I am fine with, and very used to, being disagreed with. My views of reality have only ever been supported by a few unusual intimates.

People are using their fear to justify their fear. Meaning, they think if they are this terrified, their fears must be based in reality. Anyone who has done any work on themselves, even basic conventional therapy, knows the fallacy there. Fear does not justify fear! I go back to the lion analogy, which really isn’t such a stretch here. Walking around city streets fearing a lion is going to attack you is not a reality-based fear. Meeting a lion in the savannah and being afraid at that moment is reality-based. Me suggesting that this virus isn’t the death sentence the media suggests is somehow too threatening to hear for many, still. Of course, as I said, I understand that once you start questioning one basic premise, all others come under question and this is what people do not want to face. They do not want their entire belief systems crashing down around them. I understand how destabilizing and difficult that can be but I have seen firsthand, both personally and globally, how damaging that disavowal of truth is. Many have paid a heavy price for it.

Not knowing something is one thing, refusing to look, listen and discover is another. We are being presented with a golden opportunity for illumination unlike anything we have seen before and back to the vampire analogy, this bright light of truth is burning to many. When we turn away and stay in that fear engine we are fuel for empire’s fires. That is quite literally one of its power sources.

The tactics that the mainstream media are using now to incite this fear are so transparent they’re like the special effects from a 60’s sci-fi B movie. You can see the paper model moving in the background. To choose willful ignorance now is to choose death because only in truth can we really be alive. My wise friend calls it “spiritual suicide.”

I keep thinking of “Surrender, Dorothy” written across the sky in The Wizard of Oz. That’s how front and center this new information is. How apt, too, the word “surrender.” Surrender is key right now to navigating what is certainly a challenging and destabilizing time. Those who have had no real spiritual practice before now, which really is most people, are going to have the hardest time. Even though I do feel and see positive changes in this upheaval, no one knows when or exactly how the chips will fall when the dust settles. Some are facing a great deal of economic hardship and have children to worry about which is definitely its own very challenging kind of pain. Real surrender, not apathy, not giving up, is key to transformation. Letting go of the need to know what will happen and constantly aligning oneself with what is true, with what is the highest reality, is key.

How can we know what is true?

I have of course heard this from many different people in the course of my life and my answer, facile as it may seem, has always been, “the truth sounds like the truth and feels like the truth.” Of course it’s not as simple as that and how one comes to be able to hear and feel the truth is an arduous process of deep work. I also never advocate relying solely on one’s own subjective feel for the truth, not mine or anyone’s. And yet, I would say that I could feel from a young age when what I was hearing was not the truth. It would feel bad, wrong, uncomfortable, though I wouldn’t have been able to explain why. Of course I’ve been wrong in my life plenty of times, had lots of programming just like everyone else, that led me down a false path before I realized my mistake. That being said, those false paths never felt very good or right to me though I stayed for as long as I needed to stay, until I had learned what I needed to learn. I followed by relying on a stated narrative that seemed right. I fell for the advertising just like others.

Searching out the truth requires a whole person, a whole brain, right and left sides and in-between, and a whole body. This means a waking up, an opening up, to feeling, in all the senses of that word. It means spending real time facing one’s inner world until finally it starts to open to oneself a little bit and a little bit more. It requires the patience and the fearlessness to face the pain, feel the pain, and begin to understand it, as well as the fearlessness to know the immensity of one’s own beauty and capacity for love. Sometimes it’s the beauty and the love that are hardest for people to acknowledge, strange as that may sound.

What is astounding to me in this total upheaval that we are currently witnessing is how so many of the supposedly intellectual persuasion are not even using their talents of mental acuity for which they are known. The lies being promulgated by the mainstream media, as I mentioned before, are so transparent now the most basic reasoning, the most logical left-brained examination should reveal the farce. How is it these ‘smart’ people are not even questioning the facts? Though I feel, as I stated, that really being able to suss out truth in a big and sustainable way requires effort and both inward and outward contemplations, an examination of the charade that’s happening now doesn’t seem to require much effort at all. The facts speak for themselves-- the empty hospitals, the proven track record of a reliable medication, the lack of actual, accurate reporting of numbers. How can anyone believe this narrative of a global pandemic?

The refusal to look out honestly is mirrored by the inability/refusal to look inward honestly. You can’t know one without the other. Of course once one sees through this stage play, one will have to ask, what is it for? And that is a big can of worms, the coming pain to which Trump referred in one of his pressers. The reality of child sacrifice, ritual abuse, enslavement, and many other things are what people will do everything in their power not to believe, not to know. We all suffer with this denial. Refusing to look at the horror keeps it hidden and supported.

Another narrative that’s out there right now is from the new age “return to oneness” types, the 2020 version of a false spirituality. These are the people saying, essentially, “we can all just transcend into oneness and awaken into the ultimate reality.” They use the term “awakening” but I see no such thing in such communities or posts. Their efforts to move directly into a “oneness” that they see as the “ultimate reality” is in fact a total pseudo-spiritual bypass. If we aren’t looking at reality as it really is, with all it’s ugliness and all it’s beauty, who is awakening?

To know a larger reality-- our place in the cosmos, our eternal natures, our connection to God and each other, requires us to do the hard, and oftentimes ugly, work of first knowing what is happening here and now and why. It requires judgment and discernment, yes judgment, of what is right and what is wrong. Everything is not all the same and it’s not all good. To focus “only on the light,” a phrase I’ve heard in many different iterations, is to once again turn away from what is too painful to examine and know. Real compassion requires truth, as does real love and real kindness. Otherwise it’s all under wraps of an agreement. As long as you don’t say anything or do anything to upset this careful narrative I’m hooked into, we’ll all get along. There isn’t my truth and your truth. There is truth. When those “truths” contradict one another someone, or both, is wrong.

Which brings me back to where I began. The beauty of what is unfolding now is real exposure, real awakening for those courageous enough to look, to be horrified, to be able to admit they were wrong. To feel the pain and the joy that comes from actually seeing some evil vanquished, from knowing oneself in a real way, from being able to relate to another with real intimacy, from discovering the vast reality. All that is happening is serving to bring those who seek it, those who yearn for it, those brave enough to devote themselves to it, closer to God.

Something I’ve also heard many times in my life, and it’s all over popular media, movies, TV, etc., is this notion of “How can anyone know if there’s a God?” In actuality, this is something you can know. It takes real work, I’ll admit, but what is more worthwhile than that work? Nothing in my life is more important than that work. That’s another thing I don’t understand. When people say, “How can you know?” they’ve actually spent no real time at all with the question.

The beauty of now is that it is easier than it’s ever been to seek and know the big truths. Be brave! Your love is bigger and brighter than you can imagine.