Know the Creator By the Creation

When one examines the mechanics of our world using all the tools of our technologically advanced society, how can one ever doubt what is also knowable directly by a true heart? Unless someone is purposefully turning away from truth, intelligent design is written into every aspect of the natural world.

Today is the glorious summer solstice, the longest day of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere. It happens every year without fail, growing our crops, warming our bodies. This intense light, about which mainstream “science” has made up a lot of unproven suppositions and called them “facts,” would burn us to a crisp if even slightly closer. Slightly farther away and no life could be sustained here.

The DNA sequence in a blade of grass, let alone a real human, could never spontaneously occur. No one has ever proven that a sequence of DNA, let alone a full life form, could ever spring into existence from inert matter. NO ONE. This is only one of the many egregious fallacies mainstream education promotes as reality.  

Today we can celebrate the Godly warmth nourishing and sustaining us all the days of our lives. Shining down on those good and those evil equally. Everyone given the gift of grace if they choose to accept it.

Job 12:7-10 NKJV

But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you;
And the fish of the sea will explain to you.
9 Who among all these does not know
That the hand of the LORD has done this,
10 In whose hand is the life of every living thing     



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