Theater of Miasma: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff


Hello, dear Readers, what an intense miasma we are in right now! Even if you are able to take a broader perspective, and I hope to encourage that here, it’s hard not to be swept up into the surreal carnival that truly has its hall of horrors. The loud and chaotic hum of voices vibrating in all directions is exhausting and hard to tune out completely. I intend to offer this as a gentle reminder of some signposts in the storm.

We are in what feels like a centrifuge right now, being spun faster and faster. The wheat is being separated from the chaff, on multiple levels. Personally, we are being asked to purify, purify, purify, even as some things seem more and more confusing and nauseating. The action of being spun has the effect of both. The duality that is the fundamental teaching mechanism of this world has become more and more heightened. The schism to which I refer is, once again, truth/reality vs. falsehood/lies and the gap between these is ever widening. If you don’t know on which side your heart and your intention lies, likely you’ll slip into the void between.

What is happening? Is any human “side” wholly good? Any human to put your faith and hope in? To that I say, of course not, at least not unreservedly so. No human except the human you are, with your divine spark within, should have your total trust. Which is not to say that there aren’t others serving the greater good, serving your interests, leading you to a greater understanding and wholeness. Thankfully, they exist, in various forms, here and there. But ultimately, aligning with the supernatural force of goodness, and having faith in yourself through the individual manifestation of God’s expression in you, as you strive to know, to embody, the all-important values of truth, real love, humility, and grace is where your intention and energy should go--unreservedly.

I recognize the face of evil, or at least what I would say is the expression of it, around us. I recognize the foot soldiers of such evil, with their disavowal of goodness, of free-will, and their willingness to simply do the bidding, unquestioningly, of those making decisions to radically harm and hurt, for power, for profit, for pleasure.

Part of the genius of these psyop plans, is that they have made “normal” everyday people the police. People are being taught that the cause of their pain and distress is other everyday people like me or you, walking around outside without a mask, or questioning the obvious and egregious lies, or whatever. In exchange for giving their power away to the forces that would consume them, they are given a token back, an illusion of control in the form of encouragement to blame and harass others in their vicinity, to take their despair and turn it toward others surviving and living around them. For this token, they promise to never look for the real source of responsibility, either within themselves, or without, to never question those beings and institutions gladly and easily eating up their life force.

There are so many unmasked and public figureheads of real destruction that it’s hard to imagine anyone still believing in these, such as the disintegrating puppet-head of the left or the gleeful mad-scientist billionaire executioner of vaccines talking about more chaos, more death. That these people can still operate publicly is astounding, yet the game continues and they have their roles to play, with brightly colored plastic pieces and the inevitable final conclusions.

This break-down of any pretense of legality, of truth, is pretty incredible. That the media, as of today November 10, are calling B. the pres-elect with no mention of the hundreds of thousands of well-documented cases of voter fraud boggles the mind. Yes, we’ve known for a long time that if you want to know what is really going on in the world you don’t look to the MSM ( mainstream media), yet this is next-level. The current president being publicly censored, the media electing the next president. Wow. Everything is out in the open now. This is good news, as crazy as it is.

There do seem to be dark forces desperate and starving for the power that’s slipping away and it’s made them like mad rabid dogs. Though they have the power to make our lives very uncomfortable, to say the least, they can never win, and it’s so simple that I don’t understand why they don’t know it. The complexity of design in this game is so remarkable that it really takes some kind of genius (beyond human to be sure) to plan that many moves ahead and yet this “intelligence” doesn’t seem to see to the end, to an end a child could predict: their ultimate destruction. Perhaps it is a case of empire’s players just wanting to wreak as much havoc as possible on their way down. Enjoy the buffet of fearful anguish or quiet despair for a few more years or days or whatever it is.

What about a good side? Is our president the white knight to save us or is he another pawn in the grander psyop? I’ve heard the arguments for both sides and I tend to feel that he is, albeit certainly not perfect, good. I still see him as a large monkey wrench in empire’s plans, taking real steps to take down some of the most egregious of their violent structures. This current episode of the game, the contested election and wide-spread election fraud, was predicted in many avenues and certainly seems to point to an intentional plan to expose more fully that face of evil, those players in pure corruption. This is the separation of wheat from chaff as the true characters of more and more are publicly being exposed. Our president is an agent of change and it seems to me that it is due in large part to him, or to the organization that brought him here, that we have seen such a speed-up of timelines. This is amazing and fully positive, as difficult as some of the repercussions may be. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t fully matter, it doesn’t change the final outcome. This grand scale dissolution does not serve the agents of destruction. After this place ends, they will end. Evil will not continue.

There are a lot of fearful people out there and here I’m not talking specifically about those totally believing the made-up narratives of “wear your mask or you’ll die,” etc. A lot of people are talking about the terrors to come, such as 5-G and mandatory vaccines, rainstorms of chemicals, cashless control mechanisms, shortages, destructive weather, regulated everything. Most of it simply doesn’t seem real to me. I will easily choose a bullet in the head before a vaccine but I guess they could tie it to something more mundane like buying groceries. I don’t, however, see these things happening and if and when they do, I’ll decide my next move.

When you see the transparency of the theater show being played out it’s hard to believe in the threats, nor do I think we are meant to. Though of course I, like everyone, get very tired and cranky with the day-to-day nonsense, and feel the larger pressures as this 3-D reality breaks down. I’m ready for this intense learning lab to reach its fiery conclusion, so excited for all to be judged completely and totally, myself included. I feel certain that this perfect judgment, this return to real balance, is coming and though I don’t know when, seeing it during our lifetimes seems a real possibility. What we are witnessing is unprecedented. No part of the world, no aspect of society is untouched. No one who truly wants to know what’s going on can ignore these realities, even as many cling to narratives that make zero sense.

I admit that I’m someone who historically has gotten caught up in worry about all the poisons in the food, air, water, and people of this decaying world destroying my body and my psyche, as I’ve always been sensitive to them. Now, however, when I feel that fear up-ticking I think well, if it makes me sick it makes me sick, if it kills me, it kills me. It excites me to see the bubbling up of truth in all directions, even if my feet get burned.

We’re here so briefly and our time here really only has meaning when we fully place it in the larger context of our totality, of the totality. We must be fully present here, this isn’t a call to escape, or a notion that what happens here doesn’t matter or isn’t real. It is real and it does matter, as a place for us to remember who we really are and to shed what is not truly us. We are asked to feel and embody more and more the infinite within us, the eternal that is our connection to God, the possibility of our continuing, and to express it here in manifestation to the best of our abilities.

Suffering, in and of itself, is not inherently of value. Suffering which purifies and clarifies the direction and width of your gaze, the depth of your feeling and perception, the intensity of your love, the clarity of your knowing, and your commitment to truth, is of the greatest power. It transforms and transcends an individual beyond one’s own pain, one’s own myopic despair. God sees the totality of who you are, of everything, and while we do not, cannot, see that totality, our intention to align with that greater vision, our commitment to be in that sphere of All, opens us up for more and more and more. This is where the miraculous occurs, where love resides.

Unfortunately, for many of us, it takes being pushed up against the rocks again and again, like the boulder becoming a grain of sand, before we finally split and yield—letting go of that small self. Letting go of all that is not truly us, letting go of the detritus, the triggers, the programming, the fear of loss of control, the tight grip and need for the familiar, as well as our deep desire for comfort and safety and stability. Many, most, will never let go of these things or even attempt it. They will cower or avoid, and prefer to stay muzzled and fuzzy to the very end, hoping it will keep them safe and unquestioned, while the very ground beneath their feet buckles and cracks. Most will never even try or attempt to know why this letting go is so necessary, crucial, the most important work of one’s life. Most will cling to the most nonsensical personal and global narratives in the hope that it will keep them safe. It won’t.

While I understand at the core of my being why it is essential to do this work of letting go, I don’t pretend not to fight it at times. I still harbor too many of my own fears and worries, heartbreaks and griefs. The small self suffers and demands attention. The eternal self expands, celebrates, learns, grows and knows already that a return to that pure love of the all, of God, is inevitable and will happen in the blink of an eye. We are here for a reason, no random chance, not luck for some and none for others, no pure chaos in the void. We are here, somehow, to be those agents of change. What is more radical than aligning with, and putting all authority in, the divine and the divine spark within?

Discerning what that authority is asking of us is a deeply personal and intensive process. While other people and texts can give you necessary pointers, directions, tools, that deep connection to truth must be an ongoing process of self-discovery and hard contemplation. You cannot rest on what is known but must keep questioning, must keep pushing deeper, must keep letting go of what is not you, to make space for real wisdom.

The natural world is speaking to us now, even in its imperfect state, with all its human pollution. The goodness, the love inherent in its creation is still there for us to access, but not, again, as an escape, but as a deeper expression of, and connection to, the larger reality. That connection allows us to witness and engage with the world without rolling under the waves.

The animals, the creatures, are coming closer to us now too. They are interested. They feel the changes happening and all the dimensions keeping our communications apart from theirs are breaking down just a little bit more. How lovely that is! To look into the eyes of wild animals and creatures and even plants and trees and see not fear but interest, curiosity, love, aliveness. Sometimes, for a moment, it makes everything a bit better and teaches you the beauty of that infinite potential within you, despite how hard it can be here. It shows a glimmer of what awaits when these now fragile and artificial structures break down.

Some have expressed worry to me that there isn’t enough time to right one’s wrongs, to learn enough, to transform enough, before the beautiful conclusion. I admit to having some of those thoughts myself from time to time. I am well-aware of the ways I fall short. All my failures, inadequacies, my ignorance, and my self-pity still call to me, but to step outside that circle of destruction is not impossible either. Once again it takes us trusting and knowing that the speed, the velocity of movement, is the right one and we are not in control of it though we must play our part. God will choose the moment, the perfect moment for all of us, and the more time we spend with our intentions on that clarity within the more we’ll feel the harmony of that velocity. If it is your heartfelt desire to stand firm on the side of the real, wherever you are will be the right place, whenever will be the right time. But it is hard to wait in this morass, I know!

Our commitment to truth, to loving the Divine, to expressing that love through manifestation in all its mundane and sublime avenues, has to include ourselves. Our total acceptance of who we are in these purposefully forgetful human expressions gives space to see ourselves honestly which makes letting go of what we thought we were possible. Nothing that can be released was ever part of our real essence. The core within that loves and is loved isn’t tainted by our mistakes if we turn, again and again, toward and not away, from that center.

Wasting energy on worry is another important aspect of which to become more aware. I’m certainly guilty of this and I know it’s a hard one to put down depending on your temperament, tools, history. Zoomed out, what is there to worry about? For most of us, not all, things are still basically OK. Is it painful? Yes. Will it get worse? Yes. I know too, as I’ve said before, if you have children in your care, putting down that worry will be harder. Returning again and again to an awareness of the infinite reality, to gratitude for the magnitude of what we are witnessing, for the increasing exposure of truth, is essential. Worry doesn’t stave off bad things from happening. It in fact has the opposite effect. It makes you less prepared, less connected to the true source of your power, your divine center, your connection to God, your own wisdom.

There are many horrors here that are very difficult to look at or comprehend. For all feeling people, knowing how so many children in the world are still being hurt in the worst ways, for instance, shouldn’t be something easily set aside, easily avoided. Finding the balance between being undone by the brutality here and feeling nothing at all is part of the work of a deeply feeling, embodied human. As I keep saying in different ways, the practices which calm and center, which make you detached from suffering and connected to goodness, are powerful and essential. Yet, these practices should not be used as an escape, as a way not to feel, or as a way to avoid understanding the most dark and difficult parts of ourselves and this world.

I still feel, though, that this shake-up, the reason for all these screws tightening, is because these changes threaten the very core of the sick status quo. These changes are only the beginning and they will not be undone. That is good news for us all. It’s even good news for those who will be destroyed by the cleansing fire because all of it is healing. Certain tumors can be neutralized and re-integrated, others must be cut away, and in some cases it’s time for the whole organism to return to dust so that something new and healthy can grow.

Clarifying oneself, one’s inner world, leads to knowing what’s real in the outer world, increases your personal power, increases the force field of light within and around you. The more of us exercising this free-will, this sovereign power, this practice of spirit in alignment with the greatest force of all, the harder it is for empire to continue its dirty tricks. We can create energetic waves and blocks to the nonsense narrative as it washes all around us. We are called to witness, to understand, and to act, from our place of deep connectivity. Without our consent, empire and its tools cannot touch that constant and core part of ourselves intricately connected to our divinity.

Do not give your consent. Become a finely tuned instrument for discerning the real, the ultimate, by facing the confusing and the false within.

Ask yourself, what is the true source of my power?

Ask yourself, who am I?

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Ours for a Reason: Spiritual Nutrition Part I


Unmasking Empire